Diotec Offers Three-Phase Bridge Rectifier for Demanding Power Applications

Looking for a powerful, reliable bridge rectifier with a high voltage rating of up to 1600V? Diotec’s DB50-16 can help revolutionize your power systems. The high-performance three-phase bridge rectifier is designed for demanding power applications such as motor drives, power supplies, and EV charging stations.   Diotec’s DB50-16 rectifier features a voltage rating of up  […]

Diotec Offers SiC MOSFETs for High Performance and Efficiency

Diotec Semiconductor AG is a leading manufacturer of discrete semiconductors. The company was founded in 1973 in Heitersheim, Germany. Today, it owns facilities in Europe and Asia, and covers the entire production process from front end to backend.  Diotec offers DIF120SIC053-AQ, a silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. Traditional MOSFETs use silicon as semiconductor  […]